Friday 13 July 2007


Spass hat Zukunft. Shooshbang. No I don't what it means either. But I know good original work when I see it.

UPDATE: Ivor Williams (aka Shooshbang) has been in touch to tell me the following; "spass hat zukunft" is a close translation from german, signifying "the future of fun" a phrase I came up with whilst trying to combine alliteration across languages. "shooshbang", however, is a far more personal term. My best friend used to describe some people as "shooshbang's", often they would be naughty dirty dirty shooshbangs. Basically meant anyone who was either mischievous and demanded a subtle respect or conversely someone who was to be mocked for not being mischievous enough - authority figures etc. I suppose I function under the pseudonym as a tribute to our friendship as reckless teenagers who often sunk into murmurs of complete nonsense."

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